The ``BOB'' (Brick of Bytes) option allows for saving an image set in a single file which is made of a volume of bytes. BOB files can be imported into a 3D visualization software package called GVLware developed at the AHPCRC (Army High Performance Computing Research Center). The program runs on the Silicon Graphics Iris and can be downloaded from:
Table 11 lists the Look-Up Table (LUT) for the byte values in the volume. The field (11-2) and the field (11-3) on the Main Window, determine which planes are used in the volume. The BOB option popup window is as shown in Figure 45. The (45-1), (45-2), and (45-3) fields allow the user to specify the output dimensions of the BOB volume and the resulting resolution is displayed. By selecting the option (45-4), the closest dimensions that result in isotropic voxels is calculated using the highest current resolution. Multiple selection/deselection of this option iterates the calculation. The greyscale values in the volume are linearly interpolated to the specified dimensions. The Map overlay values are calculated either by linear interpolation or by nearest neighbor, dependent on the Main Window choice of ``Interpolate'' or ``Replicate'' in field (14-6), respectively.
Table 11: BOB & VV Look-Up Table
Figure 45: BOB & VV Options popup window