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Widget fonts


Stimulate uses the XView toolkit which was developed by SMI (Sun MicroSystems Inc) and thus when running Stimulate on a Sun workstation the default widget fonts are satisfactory. However, the SGI workstation default widget fonts are unacceptable and Stimulate will thus try to set them to ``lucidasans-bold-8.'' This font is only available if the ``X11 Optional Fonts'' (i.e. x_eoe.sw.Xoptfonts) have been installed. Otherwise Stimulate will use the font ``lucidasanstypewriter-bold-8,'' which gives a less than optimal appearance.

If you run Stimulate remotely from one workstation and display it locally on different type of workstation or on an Xterminal, the widget fonts may not be properly sized. To specify different widget fonts, they must be explicitly set by use of the ``-xrm'' switch when invoking Stimulate. To determine the new fontnames desired, use either of the two programs: ``xlsfonts'' or ``xfontsel.'' Having selected new fontnames, for example ``lucidasans-bold-8'' and ``lucidasans-medium-8,'' the syntax would be as follows:

   stimulate -xrm OpenWindows.BoldFont:lucidasans-bold-8 
             -xrm OpenWindows.RegularFont:lucidasans-medium-8

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