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The sdt file format actually consists of a file pair designated by the
extensions, ``.sdt'' and ``.spr''.
} xxxx
- .sdt
Contains the ignal aa
and consists of only raw binary data.
- .spr
Contains the ignal aameters
and consists of ASCII attribute:value pairs.
The ``.spr'' file has one ASCII parameter string per line
(i.e. newline '
n' terminated).
The parameters format consists first of a colon terminated attribute name,
followed by a newline terminated value.
} xxxxxxxxxx
- numDim
- The number of dimensions for the data.
- dim
- The number of data points in each dimension.
- dataType
- The data type. There are five data types supported
as given with their corresponding sizes in Table 12.
Table 12: Supported Values for the dataType Attribute.
numDim: 4
dim: 64 64 27 110
dataType: REAL
} xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- origin
- Position of the of the first voxel.
One value for each dimension. If the origin is not specified,
but the fov is, then the image is assumed to be centered:
- fov
Field of view: The distance between the outside edges of the
first and last voxel along each dimension; one value for each dimension.
If the fov is not specified it is calculated according to:
fov = interval * dim
- interval
The center to center distance between adjacent voxels along
each dimension; one value for each dimension.
If the interval is not specified it is calculated according to:
interval = fov / dim
- displayRange
Two values giving the low_value and high_value.
Voxel values below the low_value will be displayed as black
and voxels with values above the high_value will be displayed
as white. Voxels with values within the display range are
displayed with a grey value that is scaled linearly between
the low_value and high_value.
numDim: 4
dim: 128 128 20 150
origin: -10.000000 -10.000000 0.000000 0.000000
fov: 20.000000 20.000000 2.000000 15.000000
interval: 0.156250 0.156250 1.000000 1.000000
dataType: REAL
displayRange: 0.000000 347.904358
fidName: stimFid.sdt
sdtOrient: sag
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