Training Courses

Tuesday-Wednesday, November 12-13, 2019

Attendees: please fill out our feedback and evaluation form

Cortical Depth-Resolved fMRI Methods


Cheryl Olman


Laurentius Huber, Alessio Fracasso, Natalia Petridou, Jonathan Polimeni, Kamil Uludag, Tim van Mourik


As we push the limits of fMRI resolution, we are excited to explore the utility of depth-resolved fMRI. Depth-resolved ("laminar") fMRI profiles the fMRI response in the gray matter of neocortex from the boundary between white matter and gray matter to the pial surface of the gray matter. This course convenes a working group of experts in the field to:
  • share datasets in which depth-resolved fMRI produces neuroscientifically satisfying results
  • share datasets that exemplify our most commonly encountered pitfalls
  • share and demonstrate best practices for acquiring data with sub-millimeter resolution
  • share the tools we've developed that preserve resolution throughout the analysis pipeline
Tuesday, Nov 12 8:30 Introductions (breakfast available at 8)
9:00 Preprocessing Jonathan Polimeni
10:30 Parallel scanning sessions at 7 T
13:00 Data processing pipelines Tim van Mourik
15:00 Data processing pipelines Alessio Fracasso
16:30 Advanced acquisition techniques
17:15 Fireside Chat with Kamil
Wednesday, Nov 13 8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Distortion-matched anatomy Kamil Uludag
10:30 3D EPI Natalia Petridou
13:00 Laminar Analysis Laurentius Huber
15:00 Parallel scanning sessions at 7 T
16:30 Continuing the conversation remotely

High-Field Parallel Transmission and Engineering
(Data acquisition at 10.5 T)


Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele, Gregor Adriany, Xiaoping Wu, and Yigitcan Eryaman

Engineering topics:

  • Ultra-high field MR system overview
  • Components of RF sub-system for typical ultra-high field MR scanners
  • Introduction to UHF transmit and receive coil array designs: dipoles, loops,monopoles, striplines, dielectrics
  • UHF electronics, T/R switch and preamplifier design
  • Example of antenna testing on the bench: decoupling, performance
  • Demonstration of lead heating mitigation

Parallel excitation (pTX) methods:

  • MR based RF coil array characterization on a phantom
  • Fast multi-channel B1 mapping
  • Static B1 shim in small and large targets
  • Multi-dimensional pTX RF pulse design (spokes, transmit SENSE)
Experiments will be conducted in phantoms on a whole body 10.5 T Siemens system, equipped with 16 independent transmit channels.
Tuesday 8:30 Registration/Breakfast
9:00 Welcome & Introduction Gregor Adriany & Pierre-Francois Van De Moortele
9:10 Introduction - System Overview - High Channel Count Systems for UHF Eddie Auerbach
9:40 Introduction UHF coils for 7 T and 10.5 T Gregor Adriany
10:15 Break
10:30 MRI of Metallic Implants - A Patient Safety Perspective Yigitcan Eryaman
11:00 What does it take to go multinuclear at UHF? Russell Lagore
11:30 Body RF Coils at UHF Arcan Erturk
11:55 Wrap up Q&A All speakers
12:00 Lunch
13:00 * Parallel Session I: Demonstration of Lead Heating in 3T B and Tour of CMRR Safety Lab Yigitcan Eryaman
14:00 * Parallel Session II: Antenna and Coil Building and Measurements Russell Lagore, Matt Waks, Myung Kyun Woo, Steve Jungst
15:00 Break
15:15 * Parallel Session I: Behind the Scences CMRR Technical Tour Gregor Adriany, Eddie Auerbach
16:15 * Parallel Session II: RF Electronics Steve Jungst , Matt Waks, Russell Lagore
17:15 Fireside Chat with Kamil
Wednesday 8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Electromagnetic Modeling: How To Jerahmie Radder
9:30 RF Coil Model Validation based on MR Measurement: Principle Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele
10:15 Break
10:30 Dynamically Applying Multi-B1 Shim Solutions Greg Metzger
11:00 pTx Pulse Design Xiaoping Wu
11:45 Wrap up Q&A All speakers
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Technical Intro to 10.5 T Lance DelaBarre
13:00 * Parallel Session I: pTx Demonstration on 7 T Eddie Auerbach, Andrea Grant
15:00 Break
15:15 * Parallel Session II: pTx Demonstration on 10.5 T Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele, Xiaoping Wu
17:00 Wrap up, Q&A

* During parallel lab sessions, the class will be split into two groups. Group A will do session I then II; Group B will do session II then I.

MR Spectroscopy


Malgorzata Marjanska


This course will focus on understanding the principles of 1H MRS and practical issues related to acquisition, processing, and analysis of single-voxel 1H MRS in human and animal brains at high and ultra-high field strengths.
Tuesday 8:30 Registration/Breakfast
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Introduction to Spectroscopy Malgorzata Marjanska
9:45 RF pulses Michael Garwood
10:45 Break
11:00 Single-Voxel Sequences Uzay Emir
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Motion Correction for MRS Pierre-Gilles Henry
13:30 Processing and Analysis Dinesh Deelchand
14:00 Parallel Lab Sessions
17:15 Fireside Chat with Kamil
Wednesday 8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Parallel Lab Sessions
12:15 Lunch
13:15 B0 Shimming Ivan Tkac
13:45 Spectral Quality Melissa Terpstra
14:45 Break
15:00 MRS applications Gulin Oz
16:00 Theoretical Benefits of Ultra-High Field for MRS Malgorzata Marjanska
16:30 Q&A with teachers

Parallel lab sessions:

  • Human - Siemens 3T or 7T, with Jim Joers and Young Park
  • Animal - Agilent 9.4T, with Ivan Tkac
  • Processing - Dinesh Deelchand (BYO laptop)