Multi-Band Accelerated EPI Pulse Sequences

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The multi-band accelerated EPI sequences developed at CMRR are now available for use at other institutions on compatible Siemens scanners by C2P agreement with CMRR and Siemens.

These sequences and the accompanying reconstructions are being actively developed as key components of the Human Connectome Project.

Gallery of example images & protocols

The available sequence variants and supported software versions are listed below. If you are interested in obtaining these sequences, the CMRR C2P instructions and agreement can be found on the web page of the University of Minnesota Office for Technology Commercialization. Once you have executed a C2P agreement and have been given an access password, the sequence binaries can be downloaded here by selecting the desired release number.

Note to users: If you have noticed a bug or have a request for a new feature in a future release, please open a new support request. Be sure to include the sequence version number (e.g. VB17A R006a), sequence variant (e.g. BOLD, diffusion), and the model of scanner you are using in the problem description.

Security concerns: The sequences and software are developed in a firewalled environment, the web server is regularly checked for network vulnerabilities, and the downloadable files here are regularly scanned for viruses. To detect unexpected changes, the downloads available here are regularly checked remotely against baseline checksums stored on the remote machine. Also, Siemens provides virus software for their scanners. You can confirm that you have downloaded a valid version correctly by comparing a md5sum of the downloaded file with these checksums.

Download Multi-Band EPI 2D BOLD/SE/DIFF Sequences:

R017 Prerelease Versions
Prerelease versions of R017 are available for testing.

If you wish to test these versions, please read and contribute to the R017 Prerelease discussion thread on the CMRR-C2P/MB GitHub page.

Note that R017 and R016 can not be installed or used simultaneously. If you install R017, it will replace R016, and vice versa. The license file for both versions is the same.

Version R017pre11
Released 10 February 2025
Expires 10 February 2026

Release Notes R017
Latest license file only (expiration 10 February 2026)

Release R017pre9 for VE11C (build 17-May-2024)
Release R017pre9 for VE11E (build 17-May-2024)
Release R017pre11 for VE12U-SP01 (Terra) (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre11 for VE12U-AP01-F50 (UHF Plus) (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre11 for VE12U-AP02-F23 (Terra Impulse) (build 11-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre9 for XA20A (build 21-May-2024)
Release R017pre11 for XA30A (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre9 for XA31A (build 20-May-2024)
Release R017pre9 for XA50A (build 20-May-2024)
Release R017pre11 for XA60A (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre11 for XA61A (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R017pre11 for XA61A-SP01 (build 10-Feb-2025)
Release R016a
The current license for R016a will expire on 10 February 2026.

To extend the license expiration of a working installation (i.e., avoiding the need to completely reinstall the sequences from the zip archives below), please download and copy the updated license file to the customer sequence directory on your scanner, replacing the existing .lic file.

Released 19 December 2017
Expires 10 February 2026

Release Notes R016a

(R016b is a minor update which only fixes a GPU issue on certain newer software versions)
Latest license file only (expiration 10 February 2026)

Release R016a for VB17A (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VB17A-UHF (UHF systems w/ GPU) (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VB17A-Step2.3/F37 (8Tx/16Tx F37-F40) (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VB19A (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VB19B-SP02 (build 13-Apr-2021)
Release R016a for VB20P (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016b for VD11D (build 8-Jan-2020)
Release R016a for VD13A (SP4 and newer) (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VD13B (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VD13C-SP2 (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VD13D (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11A (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11B (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11C (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016b for VE11E (build 9-Jan-2020)
Release R016a for VE11K (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11P (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11P-SP04 (build 26-Jul-2020)
Release R016a for VE11R (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016a for VE11U (build 19-Dec-2017)
Release R016b for VE12U (Terra) (build 9-Jan-2020)
Release R016b for VE12U-SP01 (Terra) (build 1-Apr-2021)
Release R016b for VE12U-AP01-F50 (UHF Plus) (build 4-Feb-2020)
Release R016b for VE12U-AP02-F23 (Terra Impulse) (build 7-Sep-2021)

Download Multi-Band EPI Remote Reconstruction Server:

An optional remote reconstruction server is available which allows for the possibility of dramatically improving the image reconstruction speed for demanding studies.

This is currently only available by special request.

A description of the setup with sample timing results is available.

Release R008a
Updated 10 GbE adapter drivers and added Step5 MRIR support for VB17A/VB19A.
Released 29 March 2018
Release R008a for Linux x86-64

Release R008
Updated to support sequence versions R014 and newer.
Released 3 August 2016
Release R008 for Linux x86-64


  1. Moeller S, Yacoub E, Olman CA, Auerbach E, Strupp J, Harel N, Uğurbil K. Multiband multislice GE-EPI at 7 tesla, with 16-fold acceleration using partial parallel imaging with application to high spatial and temporal whole-brain fMRI. Magn Reson Med. 2010;63(5):1144-1153. [PubMed]

  2. Setsompop K, Gagoski BA, Polimeni JR, Witzel T, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL. Blipped-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging for simultaneous multislice echo planar imaging with reduced g-factor penalty. Magn Reson Med. 2012;67(5):1210-1224. [PubMed]

  3. Xu J, Moeller S, Auerbach EJ, Strupp J, Smith SM, Feinberg DA, Yacoub E, Uğurbil K. Evaluation of slice accelerations using multiband echo planar imaging at 3 T. Neuroimage. 2013;83(0):991-1001. [PubMed]

  4. Auerbach EJ, Xu J, Yacoub E, Moeller S, Uğurbil K. Multiband accelerated spin-echo echo planar imaging with reduced peak RF power using time-shifted RF pulses. Magn Reson Med. 2013;69:1261-1267. [PubMed]

  5. Sotiropoulos SN, Moeller S, Jbabdi S, Xu J, Andersson JL, Auerbach EJ, Yacoub E, Feinberg D, Setsompop K, Wald LL, Behrens TEJ, Uğurbil K, Lenglet C. Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: Reducing the noise floor using SENSE. Magn Reson Med. 2013;70(6):1682-1689. [PubMed]

  6. Cauley SF, Polimeni JR, Bhat H, Wald LL, Setsompop K. Interslice leakage artifact reduction technique for simultaneous multislice acquisitions. Magn Reson Med. 2014 Jul;72(1):93-102. [PubMed]

  7. Setsompop K, Cohen-Adad J, Gagoski BA, Raij T, Yendiki A, Keil B, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL. Improving diffusion MRI using simultaneous multi-slice echo planar imaging. Neuroimage. 2012 Oct 15;63(1):569-80. [PubMed]

  8. Polimeni JR, Bhat H, Witzel T, Benner T, Feiweier T, Inati SJ, Renvall V, Heberlein K, Wald LL. Reducing sensitivity losses due to respiration and motion in accelerated echo planar imaging by reordering the autocalibration data acquisition. Magn Reson Med. 2016 Feb;75(2):665-79. [PubMed]
