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Microstructure Imaging of Crossing (MIX) White Matter Fibers from Diffusion MRI

A new, versatile optimization technique enables microstructure imaging of crossing white matter fibers. Microstructure Imaging of Crossing (MIX) White Matter Fibers is a novel regression method that can characterize tissue microstructure in the brain white matter from diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. The technique is robust, versatile and utilizes the Variable Separation Method (VSM) to fit existing biophysical models with improved accuracy. A MATLAB implementation of MIX is available below and demonstrates its applicability to general microstructure models in fiber crossings using synthetic as well as ex-vivo and in-vivo brain data (All experiments from the paper are readily reproduced using the provided scripts).

Citation: Farooq, H. et al. Microstructure Imaging of Crossing (MIX) White Matter Fibers from diffusion MRI. Sci. Rep. 6, 38927; doi: 10.1038/srep38927 (2016). Available online at www.nature.com/articles/srep38927



Download: MATLAB toolbox available here: MIX_toolbox.zip


  •  01/15/2017 (v1.0): Bug fix to run NODDI example with synthetic data (Example 3 in the MIX_Installation_Guide)



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