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2025 Minnesota Workshop on High and Ultra-high Field Imaging October 15-17, 2025

2025 Workshop Logo

The goal of the 2025 Workshop is to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss the technical issues and applications of MR imaging and spectroscopy conducted with high (≥ 3 T) and ultra-high (≥ 7 T) magnetic fields. Presentations from experts in the major areas of high field MR research will cover fundamental principles, methodology, and biomedical applications in the brain as well as the other organ systems in the body.


Silvia Mangia receives 2024 NIH Pioneer Award

Photograph of Dr. Silvia Mangia

Dr. Silvia Mangia receives the prestigious NIH Pioneer Award for Research Examining the Role of Brain CO2 and pH in Age-Related Brain Function Loss. The National Institutes of Health Pioneer Award provides support to scientists with outstanding records of creativity pursuing bold research projects with unusually broad scientific impact in biomedical, behavioral, or social science.


2022 Laukien Prize awarded to Michael Garwood

Michael Garwood receives the prestigious Laukien Prize from ENC for his seminal contributions to RF pulse design and novel MR imaging and spectroscopy sequences. The prize is intended to recognize cutting-edge experimental NMR research with a high probability of enabling beneficial new applications.


2019 IEEE Medal for Innovation in Health Technology awarded to Kamil Ugurbil


Kamil Ugurbil, Director of CMRR, received the 2019 IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology  “For pioneering the development and leading the advancement of ultra-high-field MRI technology for biomedical and brain research.” Read more...

2021 ISMAR Prize awarded to Kamil Ugurbil

Professor Kamil Ugurbil was awarded the 2021 ISMAR Prize  and joins a list of luminaries who have defined the development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance from its beginnings and who were recognized by this prize. The basis of the award is stated as  “his many novel and impactful contributions to magnetic resonance imaging. In particular, Prof. Ugurbil has played a central role in the development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as an essential tool in the field of neuroscience, including elucidation of fundamental mechanisms by which brain activity leads to contrast in MRI images and development of technology for MRI and fMRI at very high magnetic fields”.











December 14, 2017: World's first 10.5T human image!



Kamil Ugurbil "Still pushing the limits" more...

Mike Garwood in Science article on "Cheap, Portable Scanners..." more...


 NIH Brain Initiative

U01 DBS Grant Awarded

UMN MedSchool... Eurekalert...

 NIH Alzheimer's

R01 Grant Awarded to CMRR/VA/Mayo

UMN MedSchool...

Lifespan HCP

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